Tata Memorial Hospital Cancer Treatment is a hospital that treats cancer patients at an affordable cost. This Tata Memorial cancer treatment hospital is situated in Mumbai and said that will cost-effectively give treatment. It means the general people can also afford the cost of Tata Memorial Cancer Treatment Hospital.
One of India’s leading centres for cancer research and therapy, the Tata Institute in Mumbai, claims to have found a medication that can stop cancer from coming back twice.
After ten years of work, medical professionals and researchers at the centre have created a pill that they believe will prevent patients from developing cancer a second time along with will also cut the negative effects of therapies involving radiation as well as chemotherapy by half.
Words of Dr. Rajendra Badve
Speaking to NDTV, Dr Rajendra Badve, a senior cancer surgeon at Tata Memorial Hospital, who was part of the research group, said, “Human cancer cells were inserted in rats for the research, which formed a tumour in them. The rats were then treated with radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery. It was found that when these cancer cells die, they break into tiny pieces called Chromatin particles. These particles can travel to other parts of the body through the bloodstream. And when they enter healthy cells, they can turn them cancerous.”
According to research conducted by the Tata Memorial Centre (TMC), dying cancer cells generate cell-free chromatin components (cfChPs, or chromosome fragments) that can transform healthy cells become cancerous ones. Certain cfChPs have the potential to merge with normal chromosomes and generate new tumours.
“To discover an approach to this challenge, experts gave pro-oxidant pills with resveratrol plus copper (R+Cu) to the laboratory rats,” NDTV was informed by Dr Badve. Oxygen radicals produced by the R+Cu break down chromatin particles.
Once taken by mouth, the ‘R+Cu’ produce radicals of oxygen in the stomach that are swiftly absorbed and reach the bloodstream. The oxygen radicals stop “metastases,” or the spread of cancerous cells from one area of the human body to another, by destroying the circulating cfChPs. According to the experts, R+Cu reduces the toxicity of chemotherapy.
The “Magic of R+Cu” was the term used by those studying it in their presentation.
Cancer treatment Tablets experiment
This tablet has the potential to mitigate the adverse consequences of cancer treatment by around 50%. Additionally, it is about 30% successful at avoiding cancer. Additionally, it can be useful in the management of oral, lung, along pancreatic cancer.
“Tata doctors were working on this tablet for almost a decade. The tablet is awaiting approval from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). TIFR scientists have applied to FSSAI to approve this tablet. After getting the approval, it will be available in the market from June-July. This tablet will help to a great extent in improving cancer treatment,” the senior cancer surgeon said.
“While the budget for the treatment ranges from lakhs to crores, this tablet will be available everywhere for just ₹ 100,” he said.
The doctor said, “The effect on side-effects were tested on both rats and humans, but the prevention test was done only on rats. It will take about five years to complete the human trials for this. There were challenges during the research, many felt it was a waste of time and money. But today, everyone is happy and excited. It is a big success.”
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