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Heath Tips

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How to Look After Your Health

How to Look After Your Health

Foods that will keep your heart healthy

We all should take care of our health, and you should know how to look after your health, for which some tips have been mentioned below.

Heart disease is emerging as a major cause of mortality in today’s youth and elderly. This is why, over time, people have become increasingly aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy diet.

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, including some protein and fish, is important for a healthy lifestyle. These fruits and vegetables also guide you on how to look after your health
Everyone should be aware of the importance of looking after their health and hearts.
Not only diet, but a nutritious diet, is essential for heart health.

Based on physical fitness and a balanced diet, you can keep many diseases away from yourself and you will learn how to look after your health Due to a bad lifestyle and unhealthy diet, people are falling prey to heart diseases.

Those who keep their heart healthy also know how to look after your health

⦁ Oatmeal: It teaches you how to look after your health

Oatmeal is rich in soluble fibre, which lowers cholesterol. It acts as a sponge in the digestive tract and absorbs cholesterol. So that it is removed from the body and does not enter the bloodstream.

By eating oats for breakfast, you can stay energetic throughout the day. Along with this, hunger also decreases.

Due to this, gas is not formed, and constipation also stays away.
Eating oats for breakfast is very good for the heart. Eating gradually reduces the bread stored in the body.

⦁ Beans: take the lesson that how to look after your health

Beans, lentils, and peas are excellent sources of protein that are low in unhealthy fats.
People who ate beans at least four times a week had a 22% lower risk of heart disease compared to those who didn’t eat beans at all.

“To look after your health, consuming beans plays a great role
Beans are also helpful in controlling the blood sugar of people suffering from diabetes”.

Beans do not contain cholesterol or saturated fat. It also has good amounts of copper, potassium, vitamin B6, thiamine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and vitamin K.

⦁ Soybeans play an important role in looking after your health

Soybean - play an important role to look after your health

Soy products are a good option if you want to avoid harmful fats and cholesterol while adding protein to your diet for health. Soya products are rich in polyunsaturated fat, fibre, vitamins, and minerals.

Soya also lowers blood pressure in people who eat diets high in refined carbohydrates.
Consumption of soybeans works to sharpen the mind by improving mental balance.

“Soybeans are especially effective in removing physical weakness and all the problems of hair and skin. The use of soybeans is considered very beneficial for bodybuilding”.

⦁ Citrus fruit plays an important role in looking after your health

People who consume plenty of fruits, such as oranges and grapes, have a 19% lower risk of ischemic heart disease. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which lowers the risk of heart disease, and by consuming citrus fruits, you know how to look after your health.

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The heart is an important part of our body, and being healthy is very important. Good heart health depends on the kind of life you lead. A deteriorating lifestyle and poor diet harm the health of the heart.

The result of a poor diet is that people are falling prey to heart diseases at an early age.
A healthy diet plays an important role in keeping the heart healthy. Fruit consumption is extremely beneficial to heart health.

⦁ Tomato

Tomatoes are rich in heart-healthy potassium. It is also a good source of the antioxidant lycopene. Scientific studies have confirmed that tomatoes have cardioprotective properties.

Also, it is a rich source of lycopene, beta-carotene, folate, potassium, vitamin C, flavonoids, and vitamin E. Because of all these qualities, tomatoes are helpful in the prevention of cholesterol and blood pressure, and due to these properties.

“They play an important role in guiding how to look after your health. Controlling cholesterol and blood pressure reduces the risk of developing heart disease”.

⦁ Broccoli, Spinach and Cabbage-play an important role in looking after your health

Broccoli, Spinach and Cabbage-play an important role to look after your health

You can never go wrong with vegetables when it comes to your health. Green vegetables can give your heart extra energy. They contain a good amount of carotenoids, which act as antioxidants.

⦁ Avocado

This soft, delectable fruit is known to provide heart-healthy fats. Like olive oil, it is also rich in monounsaturated fat, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Eat a healthy diet

Consume a variety of foods, such as whole grains, veggies, fruits, legumes, even nuts. A minimum of five pieces (400g) of veggies and fruits should be consumed daily by adults.

By always adding vegetables in your meals, snacking on fresh produce, consuming a wide range of vegetables & fruits as well as consuming them in season, you can increase the amount of fruits and greens you consume.

You can lower your risk of malnourished and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, along with cancer by maintaining a balanced diet.

Reduce sugar and salt

Filipinos are twice as likely to consume twice as much sodium than is advised, which raises their risk of hypertension and heart disease including stroke. Salt is the main source of sodium for most individuals. Cut back on your daily salt consumption to 5g, or roughly one teaspoon.

It is simpler to achieve this by eliminating salty snacks, selecting low-sodium items, removing salt, seasonings, plus sauces from the dining table, and reducing the quantity of salt, soy sauce, fish sauce, and various other high-sodium sauces you use when preparing meals. To look after your health is important and beneficial.

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Conversely, ingesting too much sugar raises the possibility of cavities and unhealthful weight growth. Free sugar consumption should be limited to a maximum of than 10% of the total amount of energy consumed for adults as well as kids.

Reduce harmful fats

Less than 30% of your entire calorie consumption should come from fats. This will lessen the risk of NCDs and unhealthful weight increase. Although there are various kinds of fats, unsaturated oils are better than trans and saturated fats.

“The World Health Organisation advises cutting back on saturated oils to no more than 10% of total caloric consumption, cutting back on trans fats regarding less than 1%, and switching from saturated to unsaturated oils in place of both of them”.

Fish, avocado, nuts, as well as sunflower, soybean, canola, along with olive oils are good sources of fats that are unsaturated. Saturated fats are commonly obtained from fatty meat, melted butter, palm, along with coconut oil, cream, dairy products, ghee, and lard. This will help you to look after your health.

Avoid Smoking

NCDs like heart disease, stroke, even lung disease are brought on by tobacco usage. By secondhand contact, tobacco harms not only immediate smokers but also non-smokers. About 15.9 million adult Filipinos smoke tobacco products at the moment, yet 7 out of 10 of them want to or intend to stop.

This isn’t too late to stop smoking if you currently do. You will get both short-term and long-term health advantages once you do. Good for you if you don’t smoke! Refrain from starting to smoke and defend the freedom to breathe air free of tobacco smoke. Its a good way to look after your health.

Do exercise

Any body movement that involves the use of energy and is generated by the skeletal muscles is referred to as physical activity. This includes physical activity and things done while working, having fun, doing housework, travelling, and taking part in leisure activities.

Your age group will determine how much physical activity you require, but adults between the ages of 18 and 64 should engage in at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise.

“For even more health benefits, up your weekly intake of moderate-intensity exercise to 300 minutes. You look good and your health will become perfect”.

Get tested

Being tested is a crucial first step in determining your current state of health, particularly with regard to HIV, hepatitis B, STIs, and tuberculosis (TB). These illnesses have the potential to cause fatal consequences if left untreated.

By finding out your status, you can take steps to continue avoiding these illnesses or, in the case that you test positive, to receive the necessary care and treatment. To get tested, visit an open or private health centre, depending on where it is most convenient for you. It will look after your health and will tell you about your health.

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Have Vaccinations

One of the best methods of illness prevention is vaccination. In order to provide protection against diseases such as cholera, diphtheria, hepatitis B, influenza, measles, mumps, pneumonia, polio, rabies, rubella, tetanus, typhoid, and yellow fever, vaccinations collaborate with your physique’s natural defenders. It is a good way to look after your health.

In the nation of the Philippines, under a component of the Institute of Health’s regular immunisation plan, children aged one and under are eligible for free vaccinations. You can ask your doctor, whether you’re an adult or adolescent, to verify your immunisation history or if you would like to get vaccinated yourself.

Cover your mouth when sneeze

Airborne infections include pneumonia, TB, influenza, and others. Airborne droplets of infectious organisms can spread to others whenever a person with the infection coughs or breathes heavily.

When you start to are coughing or sneezing, ensure that you cover your entire mouth using a face cloth or tissue, which you should then securely dispose of.

“Whenever you are coughing or sneezing, cover every part of your mouth as you can with the soft part of your elbow as well as the socket if you don’t have a tissue handy. When you look these things for your health, will be good for you”.

Have a safe sex

It’s critical for your general health and wellbeing to take care of your sexual health. To avoid contracting HIV and other STDs including syphilis and gonorrhoea, practise safe sex. Pre-exposure prophylaxis is one of the preventative methods that are now accessible. Furthermore, condoms are the best option to look after your health.

Protect from mosquitoes bite

Among the deadliest critters on the planet are mosquitoes. Dengue fever, influenza, malaria, as well as lymphatic filariasis are among the diseases that still plague Filipinos, and they are spread by mosquitoes.

Simple precautions can be taken to safeguard you and the people you love from illnesses spread by mosquitoes. See your doctor whether you require to take antimalarial medication.

Or if you should get vaccinated against diseases like yellow fever along with Japanese encephalitis. When you’re visiting a region where these illnesses are known to be spread by mosquitos.

Apply bug repellant and dress in light-colored, long-sleeved shirts and trousers. To eliminate mosquito breeding grounds at home, use mattress nets, curtains and door screens, and monthly house cleaning. Look these small things will help your health care.

“These are all helpful to guide us in looking after your health. Hence, when you look after your health by following these things will help you alot. These are some of the best ways to look after your health. So, follow these and have a good health”.

Video Taken from
Cardiac Second Opinion

Anand Kumar

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