Approximately 390 million youngsters and adolescents between the ages of 5 and 19 were overweight in 2022, alongside 160 million of them also living with becoming overweight. Of these, 75% resided in countries with low or middle incomes. Approximately 37 million kids under the age of five are affected by overweight worldwide.
This is a reflection of both healthcare and food systems’ inability to provide children with wholesome diets and their failure to address obesity before co-morbidities manifest in patients. Due to several factors, including structural, monetary, and social causes of obesity (such as widespread marketing and inadequate healthcare insurance), this situation is frequently made worse by inequalities. As a result, a large number of children worldwide are subjected to circumstances which promote weight gain rather than health.
Each year on March 4, people mark World Obesity Day as also in this year 2024. The goal of World Obesity Day 2024 is to increase public awareness of this illness. The campaign’s slogan for the current year, means, the theme of World obesity day 2024 is “Let’s Talk About Obesity And…”

The objectives of world obesity day 2024 are
- To learn about the state of the world’s obesity epidemic, how it impacts youth, and how youth may participate in the World Health Organisation Acceleration Strategy to Stop Obesity.
- To learn about and get insight into the experiences of youth across a range of nations.
- To look into the necessary conditions for igniting a worldwide youth movement in response to these realities.
- To find out what the youth want and how to provide it.
Being obese is a complicated medical issue that can raise a person’s chance of getting multiple illnesses. Heart disease, diabetes, liver illness, sleep apnea, hypertension, high cholesterol, problems with reproduction, weak bones, and even cancer are all frequently associated with it.
Heart health with obesity
Additionally, obesity has numerous effects on the heart. And on this world obesity day 2024 is tells about various things. Being obese greatly raises the possibility of cardiovascular illnesses, which is a serious threat to heart health. Obesity-related extra body weight has several detrimental impacts on cardiovascular health. The accumulation of deposits of fatty tissue in the arteries, known as atherosclerosis, is a major cause for concern as it restricts blood circulation to the heart and increases the risk of heart attacks including strokes.
One of the most important steps in reducing these risks addresses obesity through losing weight. Losing weight is especially helpful in controlling related diseases like type 2 diabetes as well as hypertension, all of which increase the cardiovascular risk that obesity poses.
Taking a comprehensive approach is a smart strategy for long-term weight loss. Maintaining an appropriate weight can be facilitated by making frequent physical activity and eating healthful choices. In addition to promoting weight loss, a balanced diet is good for your heart in general. In a similar vein, consistent exercise promotes both weight loss and cardiac muscle strength.
Focusing on healthy nutrition and maintaining a balanced, healthful diet is also essential. According to the WHO, consuming less calories through fats and carbohydrates and consuming more fruit, vegetables, beans, whole grains, including nuts throughout the day can help avoid obesity.